Merchant Taylors Hall Weddings
Merchant Taylors Hall Weddings
Rowan & Kristy – Merchant Taylors Hall – York – 21st December 2012
The lovely parish of Whitkirk was the setting for Kristy & Rowan’s wedding ceremony today.
Everyone was at home was calm and organised on our arrival; everything was running smoothly and on time… Imogen where are mummy’s earrings? Hunt the earrings ensued – but no amount of searching could find them, this was a secret Imogen was keeping all to herself.
The weather was cold but fine, excellent for a Christmas Wedding. The church was lit by candlelight and was full of friends and relatives awaiting Kristy’s arrival.
After the ceremony we travelled from Leeds to York, to the reception venue: The Merchant Taylors Hall, a fine example of a Medieval Guildhall which was built between 1357 and 1361, situated in the very heart of the city.
Merchant Taylors Hall Weddings
As we were arriving the light of the day was already beginning to drop so with much haste we gathered the guests for the photos, but we were missing a few important people …the bustling streets of York were causing a few travel problem.
Inside the great hall, a roaring open fire was keeping all the guests cosy and warm, while a huge Christmas tree provided a great backdrop for some personal family photos.
The beautiful wedding cake was cut (all made by Kristy) followed by some very moving speeches concluded the day for us and we left leaving everyone to enjoy a great wedding breakfast and then party the night away.
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Visit: Merchant Taylors Hall
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